Monday 20 February 2012

Sat 18th, Sun 19th, Mon 20th Feb 2012

Good evening! I hope, as always, this blog finds you all well.

All is going great here. I am on the home stretch of cooking and the photography for CUT OUT THE CRAP FOR KIDS and its super exciting!

Saturday I went to a friends 40th and spent my morning cooking for that, so although I didn't cook anything for the book, I didn't have the day off cooking. It was a great party and always so special to spend the time with loving and caring friends. It was another few hours without my 4 munchkins & I was so very grateful my sister and her family looked after them all for us.

Sunday I cooked 4 things. 1 cake, 1 pudding and 2 mains. Thankfully we had some friends join us for dinner to share it was all so enjoyable, the company and the food :-)

I went back to the Gym on friday after having a few weeks off and decided to throw myself right back into a cycle class this morning, which was a whole lot of pain but a whole lot of fun! I dragged hubby along, which I am not so sure he was happy with! Especially with him now having to back up with Squash tonight!

Today I have cooked 4 more! Once again its nice that one of them is for dinner, which makes night times a little less hectic for me. I truly cant wait to share them all with you.

I have so many ideas going around in my head for the design of the book, the front cover, colours, fonts, 1 photo? A few photos? So amazing to really stop and register that I am at this stage again!

I had an idea last week which means I will need to take another 18 photos! I have just decided that yes I am going to go ahead with this my count of days to go and photos to go was super exciting as I had caught up....and now its looking oh so frightening!

Before my idea:
9 DAYS TO GO: 8 RECIPES TO GO!!!!!!!! woo hoo!!!!

After my idea:
9 DAYS TO GO: 26 RECIPES TO GO .... oh boy!

In saying that I must keep moving, I have a heap of photos to choose (this is always the longest part for me!) and a pile of editing to do! And a little man who is so very tired and wanting Mummas cuddles :-)

Josh carrying food to our next door neighbours garden so I can take a photo!

Just had to share this photo - gorgeous!

What was left of the pudding! It was SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Me with my gorgeous friend, Vanessa

My Mothers Group friends - my much needed support this year!

I hope this week is wonderful for you,

Take Care Of You,
Coll x

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