Thursday 29 August 2013

Kristy - The Imperfect Mum!

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY! I have had a big week here…I am trying to get super organised and ready before my next book ‘Cut out the Crap with Style’ arrives, as it is expected to arrive in the next few weeks, I have had a huge tidy and rearrange of my little warehouse and moved into a new storage space, I have cleaned out cupboards, chucked a whole heap out, gave a whole heap away and feel good for being a little more ‘clutter free’ ;-)

I am thrilled to have an interview to share with you today from one of my favourite bloggers and facebook page ‘friends’….I have a feeling you all may know her already! Kristy from the Imperfect Mum and Harleys – The Education Super Store is an inspiration to many women out there and only recently made the final 3 for the most clickable women award! What an achievement! Kristy is loving, fun, supportive, hardworking, genuine and honest….a true inspiration to all of us ‘imperfect mums’ out there….

A massive big welcome to KRISTY ….


* Tell us a little bit about you and your family …

I’m married to my soul mate together 20 years married 10.  He is my rock and helps me keep everything ’together’

I have 3 children.  My first son would be 9 now, however he was born to early and died a half an hour after he was born.

My daughter is 7.  She is like a ray of sunshine, she has such a kind heart and cares about everyone around her.  I’m sure she will end up being some kind of animal activist. She gets very upset about rubbish that is left disgarded because of the animals that may eat it.  She is such a passionate little human.  My son is a cheeky little man who exudes life. He is a very clever little boy who is so inquisitive about how the world works and asks questions beyond his years.


* Please tell us more about your business and what a typical workday looks like for you? 

A typical day is waking early, getting the kids ready and off to school then going to my ‘day job’ my parents own an Educational Business  I love my job as I help parents help their kids by choosing products that best suit their needs.  I am very lucky to have parents that believe in my mission which is facilitating a place where mum’s can feel safe to ask all sorts of questions Judgement free.  The Imperfect Mum was born from my personal struggles with motherhood and has grown to a huge network of over 25,000 women.


 * How big a part does food play in your overall daily health?

It should play a bigger role.  I need to read your book.  I am desperate for a change, I really need to make some better choices. 

* What inspires you? 

I get really inspired by people who dedicate their lives to making the world a better place. People like Oprah, Mark Twain and Steve Jobs. 

* What is one piece of advice you could pass on to other Mums?

1)Be kind to yourself.

2)Be kind to others.

3)The best thing to ever do for another human is to never judge them.  


* If you could have dinner with any 3 people in the world who would it be and why?

Oh, now that would be the three people I have mentioned above.  What an interesting evening that would be.

* Please tell us 3 fun facts about yourself. 

-I’m sometimes very messy but I really do love order.

- My favourite thing in the world is to share a smile with a complete stranger.  Makes the world seem more ‘connected’

- Can’t stand selfish people


I hope you enjoyed reading Kristys interview and that you appreciate the time and effort these lovely people take to speak to me and to share their stories with you!
I can not recommend highly enough that you head on over and LIKE Kristys Facebook pages…..there are 2 things I love more than anything about Kristy and her pages….1) the honesty and 2) the genuine no judgement 

the imperfect mum

FACEBOOK: The Imperfect Mum

FACEBOOK: Harley’s – The Educational Super Store 


harleys education

Wishing you all a wonderful day and a beautiful weekend…..oh and HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the Dads out there :-)

Take Care of You,
Collette x

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