Monday 26 August 2013

Crio Bru Give-away!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Good Morning, I hope this finds you well. 
If you follow me on the wonderful world of Facebook you would have seen a question posted a week or two ago about ‘Crio Bru‘ – to be honest I had heard of it myself as a ‘wonder drink’ but I had never tried it. After the chatting on FB, you guys inadvenrtantly encouraged  me to buy some :-) … arrived a few days later….I tried it the next day and I have to say YEP I’m hooked. 

I got the Cocoa River Ecuador ground beans, the Mint ground beans (I think I got one of the last bags of the mint beans as they have been incredibly popular – I am sure they will have them back soon though!) and some chocolate covered Cocoa Beans (ingredients are whole cocoa beans and chocolate – cocoa beans, pure cane sugar, cocoa butter and whole vanilla beans) – I have had to hide these from Miss 11 who is a dark chocolate fan and loves them! 

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I LOVE my daily coffee but I must admit I am a little hopeless at making it so if hubby isn’t home to make me one I don’t bother (apparently its all to do with the stretching of the rice milk so he tells me!) ….. but now I have my Crio Bru which I can perfect all on my own….infact I think even my 9 year old could!

So you may be asking WHAT IS CRIO BRU??? In my words its an amazing, dark chocolate drink that is somewhere a cross between coffee and dark chocolate – I don’t know if its all in my mind but I feel instantly good as I drink it. It feels like a dark chocolatey treat but it is so good for me! 

Here is a snippet from their website – and here is the link for more info CRIO BRU BENEFITS

The cocoa bean (also known as the cacao bean) is one of nature’s most amazing superfoods, offering high antioxidant value, mineral benefits and natural energy. Doctors and dieticians have espoused the benefits of dark chocolate for years, teaching us that the cacoa beans used to make this healthy chocolate can become a critical part of a healthy diet.

All this found naturally in a perfect little package – the cocoa bean.

Crio Brü is made from 100%, perfectly roasted cocoa beans.Nothing more, nothing less. No sugar, no chemicals, no dairy. Although Crio Brü roasts the cocoa beans, many of the health benefits found in its natural state are preserved, giving you a superior product with sky-high antioxidants, abundant minerals and healthy energy.

The cocoa beans used in Crio Brü and Crio Beans are superior to most foods because they deliver so many nutrients that we each need to boost health and wellness.

Crio Bru is Antioxidant Rich, Cholesterol Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Fat Free, Sodium Free, Sugar Free, helps boost your immune system, increases nbatural energy with theobromine (not caffeine), supports your heart, brain and bones with magnesium, maintains healthy blood sugar levels with chromium and zinc!

Why wouldn’t you want to drink it!!!!????

Now I have to throw a warning out there….when making this is smells like a sweet hot chocolate but don’t be deceived as it is not at all sweet on its own…..imagine a scrumptious bitter dark chocolate turned into a drink….well thats the taste. I tried it 3 ways…. black, with  a dash of rice milk and then with a dash of sweetener (I used agave but you could use whatever you like)…..I actually liked it all ways and I think it would depend on what mood I was in as to how I had it. I gave some very milky to my Miss 2 1/2 and even she liked it!  …. another friend told me she simmers it on the stove top with straight milk….so thats what I am trying today! 

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Would you like to win some!!!!!????

I am SO excited that the lovely people at Crio Bru have offered FIVE Cut out the Crap friends a chance to win ONE 340g BAG EACH! How lovely is that!

To enter simply comment here on this blog by answering the following : how do you think you would enjoy drinking your CRIO BRU….and lets make it fun by saying where !!!!!!????? 

FIVE random winners will be chosen and notified by a blog post and by email next Tuesday 3rd Sept (tip: it might be helpful to register on the homepage of my website to get my blogs sent straight to your email address so you don’t miss out on being notified if you win – cause that would be sad!)

In the meantime why not head over and check out the CRIO BRU website and facebook page and don’t forget to say hi to them and tell them I sent you :-)


Have a GREAT day!

Take Care of You,
Collette x

Crio Bru Give-away!!!!! YAY!!!!!

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