Tuesday 13 August 2013

Guest Interview....Bill Statham from THE CHEMICAL MAZE!

Good Morning friends, I hope this finds you well and having a wonderful week so far. 

I love my ‘job’ and love all the people I get to meet…either in ‘real life’ or through the world of the Internet! Today I am SO very excited to bring to you an interview from a man who wrote one of my ‘saviour’ books for when we decided to go additive free in our home. Whilst I discovered his book over a year ago, I still use it (I have the bookshelf companion, shopping companion and app for my phone – clearly I don’t want to be stuck without it!)….if you haven’t seen this book yet you must check it out….it is called THE CHEMICAL MAZE…. and the brains behind it all is the amazing BILL STATHAM….who I was blessed to interview. I hope you enjoy reading this….

Bill colour photo

Tell us a little bit about you and your family …

My immediate family consists of me and my wife Kay and we live in a small town in West Gippsland Victoria.  I grew up on a farm on the Darling Downs south of Toowoomba.  I have three sisters all younger than me and I am stepfather to Kay’s two children.

Please tell us more about your business and what a typical workday looks like for you? 

My business, Possibility.com, was established about 13 years ago as the structure for the writing and self-publishing of the Chemical Maze books.  Kay is a partner in this business and takes care of the admin side while Kay’s daughter Kat heads up the sales and marketing and social media presence.  A typical workday for me is…typically atypical : ).  Since moving into our own house, after renting for many years, my workday alternates between house renovations, establishing a vegie garden, ongoing research for future editions of The Chemical Maze and updating foreign language editions.

How big a part does food play in your overall daily health?

Food does play a big part in maintaining our health and wellbeing.  One of my catch-cries is “Your Health IS Your Life” because when we are sick that often becomes the energy focus in our life, often to the exclusion of all else. Most of us have a choice about what we eat, and the least processed or contaminated (by chemicals) our foods are the more likely they are to be health giving.

What inspires you? 

I am inspired by people who stand up for their beliefs and their rights, and the rights of others, regardless of any opposition.  Many of these people are truely courageous in their actions.

What is one piece of advice you could pass on to other parents?

This is somewhat of a difficult question, because I have no children of my own so I cannot speak from experience.  However, my observations and life experiences have shown me that parents would do well to treat their children as ‘little adults’ and not as possessions, trying to mould them to their own will.  This does not mean denying them their childhood, but more about treating them as equals. Of course children need a guiding hand, but parents should also allow their children to make their own ‘mistakes’.

If you could have dinner with any 3 people in the world who would they be and why?  

Malala Yousafzai because she is great example of someone who stands up for her beliefs and the right of others despite the very real threats of death. Aston Agar, the 19 year old Australian cricketer who showed amazing cool in his first test for his country and almost get a century…as a bowler…and a number 11…inspiring!  William Brodrick one of my favourite authors, has led a fascinating life, having been a logger, an Augustinian friar, a barrister and an award winning novelist.

Please tell us 3 fun facts about yourself. 

Not sure if these would be classified as fun facts, but here goes:

I have done both ‘fire-walking’ and ‘fire-eating’ at different stages of my life.  

When I was in my early 20′s I jokingly told friends that I would one day write a book…and it would be a bestseller.

Being an alternative minded person, I often think ‘out of the box’ and love coming up with innovative solutions to problems.





also available for sale through my website


A massive THANK YOU to Bill for taking the time out of his busy day to chat to me!

I haved loved learning more about the man behind this amazing book and I admire all the study and hard work he has done and continues to do to bring you the cold hard facts on food additives and make these books that can help us all! …. and WOW wasn’t he right with the comment he made back in his 20′s about writing a best seller…..he has sold over 150,000 books!!!!!!
These books are written to help you in dealing with the confusion of chemicals in your food and home. Even my Miss 11 and Miss 9 know how to look things up and read what is good and bad! I love the warning on the back of the book “WARNING: THIS BOOK COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE”

Have a wonderful day! 

Take Care of You,
Collette x

PS Don’t forget to pop your email down on the homepage of my website to ensure these blogs / recipes etc get delivered direct to your email address as often the links can get lost on Facebook x 

Guest Interview....Bill Statham from THE CHEMICAL MAZE!

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