Tuesday 6 August 2013

Guest interview and free recipe - Karen from "FoodGloriousFriendlyFood"

Good Morning! I hope this finds you well and having a great week so far! I am thrilled to be able to bring you another guest interview and scrumptious recipe from another Facebook friend of mine who I had the pleasure of meeting not long ago when I had a coffee date to meet some ‘like minded supporters’ with my friend Tanya from Additive Free Pantry and she turned up!  


Me and Mr 10 in the kitchen

Tell us a little bit about you and your family …

On my blog I describe myself as a Foodie with food intolerances, and a Mum of kids with food intolerances. I’m 37 and feel like I’m the healthiest I’ve been in my whole life, mainly thanks to the dietary changes our whole family made over 5 years ago. My biggest passion is finding beauty in life, which seems to find outlets in photography, food, travel, home decorating, and investing my time in family and friends. I have moved homes 21 times in my life, I’ve been to 29 different countries, including spending 8 years of my childhood in Papua New Guinea, and I regularly get the itch to travel. Thankfully my husband gets the itch too! I’ve been married to my amazing husband for 16 years (yes, I got married that young, with no regrets!), and we have 2 boys, aged 10 and 8. We live outside of Newcastle, NSW, on a tranquil 4 acre property with our dog, Cockatiel, two goats and a sheep (my animal loving 8 year old always insists the animals be listed as family members!). We’ve been here 3 years and have planted a small vege garden and a row of fruit and berry trees. It’s been exciting to have a decent crop of fruit this year. Hubby is also a keen cook. We have a huge dining table and love entertaining large groups!

Friends around our table

Please tell us more about your business and what a typical workday looks like for you? 

My main business is actually as a photographer. My business is Photography By Karen Stevenson. It stills feel strange saying that, as I previously was an Occupational Therapist, but 2 years ago decided to pursue a job that I am truly passionate about. I studied for a year and have been setting up my business since. I offer family portraits, newborn and maternity shoots, and food photography for cafes and restaurants. At the same time as launching my business, I began my food blog, Food Glorious Friendly Food (www.foodgloriousfriendlyfood.com), which has been a natural combination of my love for food photography and my passion for making intolerance-friendly food REALLY good!

I dedicate two days a week as ‘work’ days, and also do some photography jobs on weekends and spend a few evenings a week doing work-related tasks on my computer. When I started this new career, it was under the self-imposed condition that my family would still come first, so I take the kids to and from school and try to ‘be there’ for them -physically and mentally- when they’re home.

It is a rare day that I’m not in the kitchen, cooking something. I love trawling cook books and the internet for new recipe inspirations. I spend a lot of time on Facebook, following other bloggers with like-minded food philosophies, sharing ideas and answering questions. I try to post a new recipe to my blog at least once a week. I’m slowly but surely developing recipes for a cookbook- it’s good to have long term goals!

For my photography business, I’m often editing photos (a process that takes much longer than the photo shoot itself!), and have just finished developing my website:www.PhotographyByKarenStevenson.com.au. This year, I’m also undertaking a personal photography project called 365 Gifts. I post a photo each day on my facebook page which represents something I’m grateful for each day- a gift in my day. It’s helping me to take notice of all the amazing gifts in my life- big and small- and I get great feedback from my ‘followers’ about how much they enjoy it too.

My gorgeous boys in our yard

 How big a part does food play in your overall daily health?

Food is probably the most significant part of my overall daily health. I believe that if we would view food as medicine, we would need a lot less of conventional medicine. I wish I was motivated to exercise more, but truthfully, it’s rare. I do make sure I get at least 8 hours sleep a night (harder during different phases of life, but I have found it to be SO important). Time for me, to refresh my soul and connect with God is really important, and time connecting with my family every day keeps me grounded and is great for my mental health.

I have found that a diet of minimal processed foods, and as little wheat, dairy and refined sugar as possible, is what makes my body healthiest. I have no actual food allergies as such, so I don’t have to be super strict, and sometimes I enjoy a little break out. My weaknesses are fresh cream, pastry, and vintage cheddar cheese! As long as I don’t do this daily, or in large quantities, I find I’m ok. Having said that, I certainly have no difficulties finding scrumptious treats within my dietary guidelines and I regularly have them on hand and love blogging about them! At the moment (and it seems to change in cycles) I’m addicted to avocado mousse for breakfast (so healthy- avocado, dates, raw cashews, cocoa, vanilla), with a heap of fruit. Lunch is often left overs from previous dinners, or a big salad with nuts and seeds, or some home made soup, frozen in lunch sized portions. Dinner consists of small portions of meat and lots of veges. I try to eat meatless twice a week- both for our health and the environment. I always have healthy snacks in the pantry or fridge for when I get the munchies.

What inspires you? 

I am inspired by beauty- both natural and man-made. I am often in awe of the creativity of others as they follow their passions- be in in art, architecture, home decoration, food creation and styling, photography, live entertainment, teaching, and even extreme sports! Our property inspires me- with all it’s unique flora and fauna- I love capturing little moments from different angles through the lens.

I am also inspired by people who have done it really tough, but don’t give up and keep pushing through to thrive again. I am inspired by people who give of themselves sacrificially to help others have a better go in life. I am inspired by other mums who I see juggling keeping their families as priorities, but also pursuing their own passions.

Sunset from our back porch..

 What is one piece of advice you could pass on to other Mums?

You are the greatest influence on your kids lives. Make sure you’re thoughtful and deliberate about the kind of environment you make for them and the values you pass onto them- if you’re not, they’ll end up picking up your bad habits and attitudes too!

 If you could have dinner with any 3 people in the world who would it be and why?

My two friends from high school who I’m still so close to but live miles apart- Jessica and Cath. I’m so grateful for the many visits we have had over the last 20 years of separation, but I wish they lived around the corner. (Does that count as one person or two??… I’ll do two more!)

I know she’s no longer with us (and it’s rather cliche), but I would have loved to have spent time with Mother Teresa, or any other woman who constantly gives of themselves selflessly for others. I want to hear the truth about the difficulties as well as the rewards.

Bono (from U2). He fascinates me. I’d love to get a sense of how he’s remained so grounded in his fame. And I’m a sucker for an Irish accent.

Please tell us 3 fun facts about yourself. 

I hate coffee. In any state, in any food. I hate it’s smell. Please don’t hate me for it ;-)

I own over 60 necklaces and even more pairs of earrings. It’s a weakness of mine. I probably need to attend over-accessorisers annonymous.

I love buying and giving gifts. Sometimes I buy a gift for someone, forgetting I already have one sitting in the cupboard for them!

Vanilla coconut custard (with easy caramalised bananas)


This is a little recipe I came up with to use up some egg yolks. Other, more traditional, custard I have made uses up to 6 egg yolks, but I didn’t want to use that many. So, I’ve compromised by using a little thickening starch. This custard is also a little darker than traditional custard as I use rapadura sugar. I love this combination of ingredients. It makes a thick, creamy custard- just the way I like it. As a little bonus, there is an extra recipe at the end for really simple caramalised bananas which go perfectly with this custard. Enjoy!


  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste or 1 vanilla pod
  • 3 egg yolks


  • In a large, heatproof bowl, whisk the egg yolks, starch, vanilla paste (if using), and sugar until well combined and smooth. Set aside.

  • If using a vanilla pod, cut it longways straight down the middle, and scrape out the seeds. Place the seeds and the whole pod into the milk in the next step.

  • Place the almond (or rice) milk and coconut cream into a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. Stirring constantly, cook until hot but not boiling.

  • Remove milk mixture from heat. Remove vanilla pod if using. Slowly pour milk into egg mixture, whisking vigorously as they combine.

  • Return all of this new mixture back into the saucepan and place over a very low heat. Stir constantly until it thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Do not allow it to boil. This will probably take at least 3-4 minutes.

  • Serve immediately, or cool in the fridge if you prefer it cold (which I do!!).




  • 2 bananas, sliced about 1 cm (1/2 inch) thick (this should do 4 people when served with custard)

  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil (or organic butter)

  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup

  • custard or chocolate for serving


  • Melt oil in a pan over medium heat. Add maple syrup and stir briefly until combined.

  • Add the bananas and toss for 30 seconds to one minute- they don’t need long or they’ll go too soft.

  • Serve with coconut custard, OR, forget the custard and drizzle some melted 70% cocoa dark chocolate over the top…. and sprinkle some organic dessicated coconut over them! Yum!!

    Here are Karens details so you can stay in touch with her and her yummy recipes! Don’t forget to pop by and say HI to her!

    Website: http://www.foodgloriousfriendlyfood.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoodGloriousFriendlyFood

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and I wish you a wonderful week ahead! Be sure to register on the home page of my website here to automatically get my blogs sent to your email address….another exciting giveaway is coming soon…..so stay tuned!

Take Care of You,

Collette x

Guest interview and free recipe - Karen from "FoodGloriousFriendlyFood"

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