Tuesday 18 February 2014

Lemon Squares

Good Morning friends! I hope this finds you well and having a great week so far. 

Everyone in my family loves a treat for afternoon tea or dessert and especially these “no – bake” ones …. not only are they healthy but they are quick and easy to make which means the kids get to be involved in the process of making them also! I don’t know about your kids but mine love being involved in the kitchen.

Miss 11 on the weekend asked if she could do some cooking so we decided to create a version of one of our favourite desserts that is in my recent book “Cut out the Crap with Style” …. this is what we came up with …. ingredients that we always have …. so quick to make …. and so amazingly tasty! For afternoon tea they all devoured a square with gorgeous fresh Passionfruit on top! I hope you enjoy it as much as they did!

Lemon Squares - 1

Lemon Squares


2 cups coconut (200g)

12 medjool dates (120g)

2 tspns vanilla essence (5g)

1 heaped tblspn lemon zest


2 cups raw cashews (290g)

¼ cup fresh lemon juice (45g)

¼ cup maple syrup (55g)

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside.

Place all the ingredients for the base into a food processor and blitz on high for 1-2 minutes. Scrape down sides half way through. (TMX 50 seconds speed 8) 

Place the mixture into the prepared tin and using the back to a spoon (or your fingers!) push base down evenly to spread out and make a base.

Place in freezer whilst making the top.

In a clean bowl place all the ingredients for the top. Blitz on high for 2-3 minutes until smooth and creamy. Once again, scrape down sides half way through. (TMX 1 minute 10 seconds speed 8)

Remove base from freezer and place lemon mixture on top – spread evenly.

Place in freezer for 1 hour.

Allow to sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before cutting into 16  even squares.  Serve immediately.

Enjoy as is or top with fresh seasonal fruit for a delicious dessert or afternoon tea.

Note: You can soak cashews for 1 hour before hand if you wish but you don’t need to.

If the lemon mixture is sticky and hard to spread simply wet a spatula / back of a spoon to help.

Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

Lemon Squares - 2

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week …. why not treat yourself and make this ….if you love lemon you won’t regret it!

Take Care of You,

Collette x  


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