Saturday 10 September 2011

Good Morning Sunday and Good Morning Sunshine! 

Had a wonderful day yesterday, I went to Kariong for the open day of my Chiropractor - the sun was shining then too, but the wind was freezing....met some lovely people as I always seem to do when at places selling my book....came home and my wonderful hubby was kind ebough to take the kids for a bike ride whilst I sat on the lounge and caught up on work emails.....30 seconds later I was catching up on sleep!!!!!!

Had a night to remember last night....I went out for the first time in what seems FOREVER....without hubby OR the 4 kidlets!!!!!!! It was a lovely friend of mines (Kate)Surprise 40th Birthday dressed up we got and off we went.....It was such a wonderful night, they catered for me beautifully and a lot of laughter was had with some truly great friends....came home, watched a movie with hubby and fell into bed after 1am.....only to be up 4 times to my little Miss A by 7am.....lucky she is gorgeous and I love her......

Wishing you all a wonderful to shower and try and cover up these bags under my eyes before we head to Church and a friends 30th....then home in time to perfect "fish and chips" for COTC #2 ......

Take Care Of You x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Collette - ya you got your blog up and running! Look forward to following you!
