Monday, 30 April 2012


At what stage did I become such an avid Facebook user????

I don't recall who introduced me to FB but I remember checking it out for the first time.... at that stage I didn't have many "friends" from the real world on there, and really I didn't get what the hype was about and was quite bored with forward 5+ years and I now have a love/hate relationship with this thing that has people saying when you first meet them "hey, look me up on Facebook" .....

As for me, I use FB daily, you will often find me scrolling through my phone to check the latest news feeds whilst waiting at swimming lessons, dance lessons, breast feeding and standing at the stove, to see if anything has happened I may need to know about.....I LOVE FB for staying in touch with friends, and as bad as that sounds, what I mean is that (lets face it) our lives are busy and I (we) dont have an hour daily to STOP and catch up with friends over the phone (and thats just if I had only one friend) the convenience (eeek....did I really say that!!??) of being able to send a friend a HI message or a random <3 to let them know I am thinking of them works for me.....I can also do this at 1am if I want where I can't really ring people at that time.....its also nice to catch up with "old" friends, those that due to life moving in different directions I just dont have a lot to do with anymore, however, I still enjoy seeing what they are up to & watching their families grow.....from a business perspective it is brilliant....I have mentioned before how simply unaffordable advertising is for a small business like me and how nearly impossible it is to get an editorial or something similar, so to have friends/fans/followers of my book on FB is priceless....they can introduce friends to me and my book, they can offer advice to me and others when needed, and best of all they support me and encourage me to keep creating recipes to share.....

The reason for my FB blog today came about by my daily happenings this morning...hubby left early for work, my big girls were getting ready for school, the twins were in the high chair munching away on breakfast and I decided to make myself a coffee, when I discover that the "knob that heats and froths my milk" (yes thats the technical term of it) is broken and *GASP* I can't make my coffee.....and MY first thoughts.....OMG I MUST POST THIS ON FB......
Ok so now you can almost see the shocked look and questioning I gave myself.....WHY????? Why MUST you, Collette, update on FB that you can't make your morning coffee.....will the FB world fall apart if you dont update this....will someone come rushing to your rescue and make you a coffee or fix your machine....will people sit back and laugh and tell you to suck it up....or will people say "oh poor you".....and I wonder how many "LIKES" I would have got!!??

I love my morning coffee! Especially on the days Josh can make them!

I then starting thinking way too deeply  (another *GASP* moment I know) about the world of FB that we live in and some obsess in..... I have 218 friends of which some I haven't seen in years, some would probably pass me in the street, some have never commented on anything or 'liked' anything and probably wouldn't know it if I even deleted them, a heap of them are not a 'fan' of my COTC FB page which is interesting if they actually were a true friend, only about 4 people share my COTC page when I ask, 1 only ever comments if I spell something wrong or say something wrong, about a dozen I have blocked from seeing my photos as I don't want to be 'mean' and delete them as a friend, but hey, I don't want them seeing photos of my kids ha ha! Then there is the whole concept of "pretening" you're off line even though you're not, so people don't interupt you with "chatting", the people that update EVERY thing.....just sneezed, went to the letterbox, stubbed my toes, sneezed again.....the ones that only update negative or "poor me" statuses, the ones that have a vent and bitch about someone but wont say actually what happened or what it was but will talk in circles because they think they are being clever, but crap, I'm certain the person they are talking about knows its them being bitched about! Then there are the sticky beaks, the ones that never ring, never sms, never private message, sometimes comment on a photo but you know (or at least you think you know) that they are simply on there to sticky beak.

I get stupidly hurt with FB and it has nothing to do with me being a slighty oversensitive and sometimes hormonal female (I think my hubby just died from laughing too much) I mostly get annoyed when people don't comment when I think they should or when I think they are having their "fix" of me and my family via FB and therefore don't feel the need to see us in 'real' life, becasuse they already know what we have been upto.....which takes me back to my statement of having a love/hate relationship with FB......yet I continue to go back....I continue to post photos, update statuses, click LIKE and comment on others posts and send randoms <3 to friends.....WHY? Because there are some people on that list of 218 personal friends that ARE friends, that like to see my photos, that i like to chat with & keep in touch with & you know its not just about sticky beaking....and of course there are people that simply make me SMILE and brighten my days.....and I hope to do the same for them......

So, I'm off to post on FB that I have blogged & incase your worried about the coffee situation, its ok, I am happy to say I was quite inventive & made myself a black coffee & simply heated the milk like the "old days " aka the microwave! ha ha he he!

Take Care Of You,
Coll x

1 comment:

  1. love your photos, comments, posts etc.. but mostly i LOVE you guys IRL too .... xxx
