Thursday 14 November 2013

Raw update ....

Good Afternoon! I hope this finds you well and that you have had a lovely week.

First off I would like to announce and congratulate Charlotte Wainwright for being the lucky random winner of the Healthy Chart Give-away. Thank you to all who entered this competition!

I have been asked quite a few times recently how my RAW diet is going, so I thought it was time I did a post on it.

For those that are new to my page you can read about the start of my RAW journey back on 1st May this year – HERE.

Due to health reasons my trusted Naturopath suggested I heal myself by going 100% strict RAW (not RAW VEGAN) for 3 months – so for the months of May, June and July and some of August (until my appointment) I did. Here is another update I did along the way. After 3 months the results were great and I was allowed to introduce some Seafood and Eggs on top of the RAW which I was thrilled about – that was my eating challenge for the next 3 months. 

Next week marks that second 3 months of this journey and I am excited and nervous to see how my results come back and where I go next. I can say with honesty that I haven’t stuck to it 100% like I did the first 3 months. Things like making ‘runny’ fried eggs instead of my allowed ‘soft boiled eggs’ or eating prawns (which wasn’t on my list of allowed seafood)  or having a little hommus on holidays were my major down falls. I stuck to what I should have 95% of the time – so tried not to feel too guilty for indulging in these things I wasn’t meant to.

My saviour once again has been green juices! I make a huge batch of a morning which makes 4-5 serves for me to enjoy throughout the day. I normally have 3 and the family share the rest. My ‘general’ green juice is normally a combination of red or green apple, lemon, orange, ginger, carrot, cucumber, kale, baby spinach and sometimes beetroot. I always add Maca and Super Red and Green Powder – I find a juice with this gives me a lot more energy throughout the day. If I am making one just for hubby and the kids I add tomato and / or banana but I am allergic to them both so don’t add them to mine.

Early in the morning I enjoy a coffee on rice milk and a Superfood Bar (the coffee was approved by my Naturopath and the bar is RAW).

Around 9am once everyone else has had breakfast and the big girls have gone to school etc I have my green juice and sometimes an egg. I boil eggs most days to use for lunch, breakfasts and snacks and I just take one out for me whilst its still soft and leave the others in for another few minutes.

For lunch I generally have another green juice (I told you I love them!) or a salad of whatever I feel like at the time.

This salad is something that I eat often as it makes a huge batch and I can eat it as is, or with egg on top or fish. My family love this salad also.


Beetroot Salad topped with raw Macadamias and a delicious soft boiled egg.

In a food processor place  2 medium beetroot, 2 large carrots, 1 red or green apple, 2 long stalks celery, 1 long telegraph cucumber, 1/2 bulb large fennel, 1/2 bunch coriander. It took about 8 second (I used a double S blade) – Top with a handful of raw macadamias and a soft boiled egg.

Dinners are generally a bigger salad and I am allowed certain seafood 3 times a week – I always make sure I have it – my favourite is Salmon so I generally treat myself to that! I love making up different salads with not only ‘normal’ salad ingredients but nuts and fruit too. I treated myself the other day to some ‘goat fetta’ after buying some at the Hunter Valley Wineries – a gorgeous addition to a salad!

Salmon and Mango Salad

Salmon cooked on the BBQ with a salad of baby spinach, kale, cucumber, walnuts, mango and marinated goats feta.

 Snacks are fruit (I LOVE all the fresh Summer fruit like Mangoes and Nectarines that are out now), raw nuts, vegetable sticks (sometimes with avocado dip) and ‘energy balls’ ….. these are something that are constantly in my fridge! I also make apple and sweet potato chips often in my dehydrator. 

I certainly feel better and all my symptoms I had before going on the RAW diet have gone which is wonderful. I sleep well, I am maintaining a healthy weight, I have the energy I need to be a Mum of 4 and run my full-time business, I am full and satisfied with what I eat and in general I feel ‘great’. All being well and if I get the choice to go back to eating ‘normal’ (aka more cooked food) I do think I will make an effort to try and be 80% raw still as I feel it has agreed with me so much. It certainly is going to be easier coming into Summer!


me with hubby

What I miss the most: Brown rice, roast pumpkin and crispy stir fry vegetables.
What I don’t miss at all: Meat, Chicken and cakes or sweet things. 

I will be sure to keep you posted with how I go next week! 

Until then…

Take Care of You,

Collette x 

Raw update ....

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