Thursday, 24 May 2012

"Super Food"

I have had some interesting chats recently on Facebook with CUT OUT THE CRAP FRIENDS about Chia seeds and alternatives to sugar and over the past few weeks I have heard the words "Super Foods" over and over, me being me, I decided to do some research and find out WHAT EXACTLY ARE SUPER FOODS? Are they something I already know of? do I already use them?am I allergic to them? (let's hope not!) are they something I could use more often?
So I went to my reliable source (Google!) to see what I could find....WOW! I found lists ontop of lists ontop of lists about Super Foods! The first list I found was this list of top 10: Cashews, Brazil Nuts, Chia Seeds, Cacao, Agave, Coconut, Goji Berries, Maca, Sesame Seeds, Quinoa. I was pleasantly surprised. The only thing I can't have due to my allergies are Goji Berries & the only thing I have never heard of is Maca....more on that later.... I use Cashews, Agave, Coconut, Sesame Seeds and Quinoa regularly. Brazil nuts, Chia seeds and Cacao I use but not as often as I could. As I say, this is one list of many I found & all lists were different which was interesting, the nuts changed from list to list but Chia seeds & Cacao were on all of them. What I took out of everything I read was that Super Foods are clearly those little "diamonds" of food/ingredients that sparkle that little bit brighter then others and are full of oh so wonderful goodness for you like iron, Omega 3, antioxidants, they can help with weight loss, skin brightness & mental health...and this is just the super short list, I could go on forever with listing the benefits!
I also realized that the term Super Food is used quite loosy at times, which I guess happens with many things in life & then becomes questionable as to wether this is just a "fad" or "trendy".... There was one sight that listed almost 1,000 things as a Super Food!!!!.... And then there was one that wanted to find the negative in all the common ones - I would like to know what that creator the website ate when they found negatives in things so good, I wouldn't like to see their shopping trolley!!!! For me, I am one to look into products etc myself and do my own research and make up my own opinion and therefore choice.....anyway, I am side tracking again! I guess what I am trying to say is do what is right for your family, read what you can, research what you can and do what your "gut" feels is right...... for me, I loved the sound of this top 10 that I found and I believe that they are SUPER FOODS..... and as for that ingredient I have never heard of.....MACA....WOWZA! It's a root from Peru that can be bought in many forms, tablets, powder and flour....Jam packed full of vitamins and minerals and it assists with weight loss, fertility, depression and anxiety, low libido and energy levels.... I am off to get me some of that!!!!!! ha ha he he!!!!!!!

So, the other night I was laying in bed and thinking of the top 6 on the first list I found when I had this thought....imagine creating something that had them ALL in the one recipe and of course that was it, my mind was racing for hours, thank goodness I have my phone constantly next to my bed that has the trusty "notes" section for the me put down those 2am ideas that you simply don't want to forget! The next day I scooted to my local organic health food store and stocked up on goodies that I didn't already have and this morning I created! I have to say, sometimes I even amaze myself! Ha ha ha ha! I have tested them on 3 people today and they were a huge here they are.....


1 cup brazil nuts
1 cup cashew nuts
4 tblspns agave nectar
1/3 cup chia seeds
3 tblspns cacao powder
1 cup desiccated coconut

Place the brazil and cashew nuts in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Allow to sit over night.

Drain the nuts well.

Place the nuts in a food processor and blitz well.

Add the agave, chia seeds & cacao combine well.

Place the coconut into a separate bowl. Using your hands make balls out of the nut mixture (walnut/golfball size) and roll balls into the coconut mixture one at a time.

Place on a plate and refrigerate for 1 hour.

These are so very delicious and so amazingly good for you. Just remember though they are NOT sweet and will have a slight bitter taste because of the cacao. If you wanted to sweeten them up you could add a tablespoon or 2 of rapadura. I loved them just as they were.


2/3 cup sesame seeds - toasted
1/2 cup chia seeds
1 tblspn rapadura
1 tblspn cocao
1/4 cup agave
  8 dates (I used dried dates)

Place a 30cm piece of foil down on the bench and on top of that a piece of baking paper.

Place the sesame seeds and chia seeds into a food processor and blitz well.

Add the remaining ingredients and blitz again until well combined.

Place mixture onto the baking paper and using your hands form into the shape of a log.

Roll up the foil/baking paper nice and tight and fold over or twist the end.

Refrigerate for 1 hour. Cut into 1cm pieces and devour!
These are quite sweet because of the agave, rapadura and dates. Next time I try them I might leave the rapadura out & see how they go...although in saying that, my hubby doesn't have a sweet tooth and loved it as is. He said it reminded him of quince paste and could imagine eating it with crackers and cheese.....for me it will either be eaten just as is, or perhaps with a rice cracker and a slice of Nashi Pear?

I hope you love both of these recipes as much as I thing is for certain.....your body will love you for eating them!!!!!

Take Care Of You,
Coll x

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