Saturday, 24 March 2012

My week....

Good Evening everyone! Just thought I would touch base, say HI and hope that your week has been great!

Mine has been quietish, lots of cuddles for unsettled bubbas and thankfully (at the moment) I only had Miss 9 with lots of spots and Mr 15months with a few. It was actually nice to not be out and about this week as I am normally at the Gym 3 mornings a week which makes things a little rushed. This week I caught up on lots of little things including laying on the lounge with Miss 9 whilst the twins were asleep! It was relaxing and lovely to have a week like this.

In saying that, come friday I was ready to escape these walls and I managed an escape from all 4 kids on friday night as my sister had a Tupperware Party. It was a lot of fun catching up with friends and was nice to have a 2 minute walk home.

Josh and I had a productive day today, he was working on our front yard again, which is looking wonderful, and I was trying to be useful and do things that I would normally ask him to do....(anything that involves using the drill!) I managed with a few things, but in the end I was all a bit too girly with it and couldn't change the drill bit, then after 2 trips to the hardware store the drill ran out of charge, I couldn't drill into what I wanted to and my moment of trying to be this woman who can do anything turned to mush, so I went and did what I know best.....I cooked......and what is better then a Roast Lamb!!!!

Had some exciting news that my Cousin had her first baby today....a little Boy :-) Congrats to Kirsty and Sundren.....can't wait to meet your little man.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and an even better week ahead. Have you been cooking out of COTC? Would love for you to post some photos on FB if you have! I love seeing them!

My "creation" today....finally I will be able to find 2 earrings instead of 1!

My other "creation" a place to put my necklaces so hopefully no more knots!

A large pot and plant! Ha ha! Saw it, fell in love and had to take a photo and share it! Would love one like day!

Another thing I fell in love with today....this Clock....I'm going back tomorrow to buy it ;-)

Josh's dinner 2 nights ago. Lemon and Coriander Chicken (page 178 in COTC) Roast Sweet Potato, Salad and a "throw together" savoury rice with a heap of veg in it! YUMMO!

Joshs lunch. He does not have any allergies at all so I made him this sandwich. It had Cos Lettuce, boiled egg mixed with mayo and curry powder and leftover Paprika Chicken Drumsticks (page 190 in COTC) - he said it was GREAT!

Take Care Of You,
Coll x

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