I hope you have all had the most wonderful day :-) What a day of fun events it has been here.....
When I woke this morning something told me that I didnt feel like getting out of bed and that the day ahead was possibly going to be testing....oh wow was I right!!! It wasnt so much the entire day, but the first few hours.....after a whirlwind morning I sat, poured myself a cuppa, vented over facebook and laughed...otherwise I would have cried!
It started just after 8.30am when my girl girls went off to school, I was packing up in the kitchen and thought the twins were happy playing, when I checked on them I realized that little Miss 13months was no where to be found, after not too long I searched downstairs and when she was no where I headed up stairs...and there she was sitting at the top of the flight of stairs proud as anything....YES we have the gates to stop them from going up and down but YES it must have been open....she had even closed the gate behind her clever girl....as she is still only crawling and not always steady on her feet I was so pleased that she was ok.....
So my morning continued.....I did some washing and went to the dryer with my 2 followers closely behind me, throwing the clothes into the dryer, closing the lid and seeing something small and red rolling around in there to realize Master 13months had thrown his apple in the dryer with the clothes, so out I get it, turn around to him to say "look what I found" to find him deep in conversation and squishing a live worm.....and YES it was on the way to the mouth....but NO it didnt get there...oh my, is this what having a son is about!!!
The final 2 straws were when I walked back into the room to find Master 13months had pulled a chair over to the TV unit, climbed up on top of it and was holding ever so proudly onto the top of the large flat screen TV.......and then I ran over my toes with the vacuum....YES it hurt.....was it really worth a mention....NO!!!! BUT....you have to acknowledge all this is happening whilst packing up breakfast for the 6 of us, the twins get most of it on the floor, making beds and all those usual morning chores......the weather outside is horrible with constant rain, so we cant get out for a play, walk or anything.....and its fun simply trying to stop them from getting into everything if they arent on my hip! I can not beleive how much they are getting into things now that they are not even walking.....oh WOW I have some FUN...CRAZY....HECTIC.....FANTASTIC times ahead!!!!!!!!!
SO...that took me to 10am where I had to laugh!!!!
My Mum then came down for the day, just to say HI and spend some time with us which was lovely. I baked 3 things.....woo hoo IM ON A ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and took 3 PHOTOS!!!!!!!!
As I sit here doing my daily update and blog I enjoy a gorgeous hot coffee that hubby just made me now that the twins are asleep. I am listening to the big girls in the background watching "The Sound of Music" ....such a wonderful classic movie, I remember sitting and watching this for possibly the first time with my Mum.....it would have to be almost 30 years ago.....Imagine if someone told me back then that one day I would then share and enjoy this wonderful movie with my 4 children, I wonder if I would have believed them :-)
I am ever so grateful and blessed.
After a busy morning baking, Mr 13months enjoys licking the bowl! (with the help of Nanny!) |
Cooking with Beetroot today, to save ruining my lovely chopping board and staining my hands, I use rubber gloves and put paper towel over the board. |
Sweet dreams to you all,
Take Care Of You,
Coll x
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