Thursday 18 July 2013

Guest Interview: Bianca from Wholefood Simply

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you have  had a wonderful week…things have been a tad quieter around here with my big girls going back to school….its sweet how Master and Miss 2  1/2 miss them so much during the days when they go back!

I am thrilled to have ‘met’ so many lovely and like minded people due to the world of Facebook and I am pleased to introduce you to a lovely lady today….I hope you love reading her interview, LOVE her recipe she is sharing with you today and enjoy keeping up to date with her blog, stories and scrumptious recipes….

Bianca – Wholefood Simply


* Tell us a little bit about you and your family …

Without my family I don’t really know who I am: I am them, they are me. So I will just ramble about all of us. We are a family of four. We have not experienced living close to our families or lifelong friends for several years now. We have moved around and lived in some trying places. We are always together; we are everything to each other and we know not what it is like to be apart. My husband keeps us all in line; he is practical and sensible whereas I am impulsive and airy.  Our daughter is delightful, compassionate and clever. Our son is determined, strong willed, and excited. I like to think that together it creates a nice balance, and at times it does.


 * Please tell us more about your business and what a typical workday looks like for you? 

Wholefood Simply is about sharing easy, fun and delicious recipes that embrace real foods. Our recipes are suitable for all ages, and are especially well tested on fussy little beings. We have many recipes that are free from common allergens and we aim to take the deprivation out of dietary restrictions.

My work day starts with getting my daughter off to school and myself to the gym. Following that my son and I generally whip up a little something up in the kitchen. He goes off to bed and I catch up on any food photography, blogging or reviews that are pending. 2:50pm rolls around and it is back to being Mum, school pick up, homework, baths and dinner.


* How big a part does food play in your overall daily health?

 I believe that a healthy diet is essential to reaching ones full potential and being the best we can be. There are certainly symptoms that cannot be managed by food alone; however by consuming an optimal diet we are giving ourselves and our children the best chance at both exceptional health and happiness. This all starts and ends with the choices we make each day.

* What inspires you?

 My list is endless. First and foremost I am inspired by my Husband and Mother. They believe in me, it is their confidence that keeps me going and prevents me from drowning in self doubt. I am also inspired by my amazing friends and trainers at the gym, who again see more in me than I see in myself. Last, but certainly not least, I am inspired by the Wholefood Simply community who write to me or stop me just to say they love what I am doing, that it has helped them or their family. It is these people who keep Wholefood Simply ticking on, and to whom I am incredibly thankful to have on our team.

* What is one piece of advice you could pass on to other Mums?

Relax. Slow down. Remind yourself of all the wonderful things you do each day and let the rest go.


* If you could have dinner with any 3 people in the world who would it be and why?

It would be three of my family members, who exactly would depend on the day. I would be choosing from my wonderful parents, my kind hearted Aunty, my adored Cousin, and my amazing Grandma, I miss them all terribly. Whilst I love where we live and the wonderful people I have met, family has warmth of its very own. It would be great to be sharing my recipes with all of them.

* Please tell us 3 fun facts about yourself.

 I love country music, my all time favourite song is ‘Any Old Wind That Blows’ by Johnny Cash, does anyone else know it?

I do not watch television, I do not read newspapers. This was never a conscious decision, nor was it the way I was raised. For me it is normal, for those around me it perhaps is not.

My three favourite books are Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big, Wilfred Gordon Mcdonald Patridge and Passing On, followed very closely by Pearl Barley and Charley Parsley. They are exceptional kids books that I would love everyone to read, I know them off by heart and some days they make me cry!


Biscuity, with no biscuits. Sweet, with no sweetener. Gooey and fudgey and loaded with goodness. Try it, right now, it only takes a minute and is truly divine.

Chocolate Fudgey Goodness

1 heaped cup brazil nuts

1 firmly packed cup medjool dates, pits removed

1 large banana

3 rounded tablespoons cacao/cacoa

2 heaped tablespoons coconut oil

1/4 cup goji berries

Lightly grease a 20x20cm square cake tin with coconut oil. Place the first five ingredients into your blender in the order listed above. Blend until well combined but still with some nutty bits. Add the goji berries and gently mix them through. Pour mixture into prepared cake tin, smooth it out and freeze. Leave it to set for a few hours before cutting. Store in the freezer. Enjoy!

I am super pumped about this creation, and equally as excited to be sharing the love and hearing your views on our rich, sweet, nutrient packed, almost instant ‘chocolate fudgey goodness’. I wish I could home deliver you all a piece, but I can’t; so jump in the kitchen, bang it together, and get back to me!


Website and Blog:

I hope you have enjoyed this interview and be sure to pop over and let Bianca know when you try her recipe!

Have a FANTASTIC day and a beautiful weekend,

Take Care of You,
Collette x


Guest Interview: Bianca from Wholefood Simply

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